Monday, July 19, 2010

New Barefoot Preliminaries

Shhhhh!  I have to blog quietly -- in the dark -- and I do not want to wake anyone as I've gotten up early to go out for my barefoot mile while we are away from home.

I'm visiting a different city to participate in a choral festival.  To maintain my goal of consistency, I'm going to have to get myself out running here, and I'm going to have to do it barefoot, I guess.

I set my alarm.for 5:30.  Like a "real" runner -- heh heh!  Every way I looked at it boiled down to that I was going to have to get up early if I was going to do this.  It's been really hot here.  And we have rehearsals in the evenings.  There are a couple of breaks in the schedule during the day, and I do take the heat well -- especially when I'm only running about a mile -- so I could have tried to do this during one of the breaks.

But, well, since I am doing a lot of singing -- we are going to be performing Mozart's Requiem at the end of the week -- I didn't want to chance making myself heat sick or something.  I mean, it could happen.  Although I am a rather sturdy being, it could happen.

It was when I woke up that the little details and logistics of this started to plague me.  As I pictured myself taking the elevator downstairs to the lobby of this quaint hotel, I wondered if they would mind me walking in the lobby barefoot.  And  even if they did not mind, was I brave enough to walk through the lobby barefoot?  And my feet will be dirty when I get back -- would it really be polite to walk through the lobby with dirty feet?  I could wear my Vibrams through the lobby (ha ha -- to think of my Vibrams as being less embarrassing than bare feet is some kind of new twist in my life).  But then I remembered that my Vibrams were in the car.  I had almost forgot them and had grabbed them on the way out of the house and just put them on the floor of the car and they did not make it up here to the hotel room.

Could I wear my flip flops to the door and leave them there?  ("Hi there, front desk, do you mind if I just leave my flip flops here for about a half hour?")  Or I could tuck my flip flops in the belt of my waist pack like I do my Vibrams.

In the end, I have decided that I will go to my car in my flip flops, put the flip flops in the car and start from there.  I can grab my Vibrams and tuck them in my waist belt at the car.  Oh ... wait ... I just remembered I don't have to tuck them in my waist belt because I don't have the dog with me!  I can carry them in my hands.

Okay, so as soon as I finish this coffee -- which I got down in the lobby earlier -- and this apple -- which is the only food I have with me  -- I am heading out for my "Out-of_Town" Mile.  More advanced runners might laugh at my little plight.  All this to go out for a mile.  It even seems to defy the idea of the simplicity of barefoot running.  Why, in the time I took to fret about this,  I could have just scooted through the lobby barefoot, run the mile, and been back by now.

Oh, one more thing.  Yesterday, when we had to stand up and introduce ourselves at the choral festival, the choir director asked us to tell one "weird" thing about ourselves (or at least something that might make us memorable to the group).  So, I told everyone that I had started running barefoot.  That's pretty weird.  Right?

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