Saturday, November 13, 2010

Barefoot Running Mile Number 121 -- No Two Runs Are Ever the Same

Wow!  Today was just gloriously beautiful.

You see what I've always told you?  My running route may not be exotic and varied like some of those people who live in places with trails and mountains and beautiful other vistas, and my running routine may seem humdrum and repetitive, but that is only on the surface.  Every time I go out there it is different.  The seasons change, my fitness level changes, the people I meet change.  There are never two runs that are the same.


  1. stunning photos! :-)

  2. Your so right!! They are not.

  3. Just found your blog recently. Looks like you're near me. Nice to know there are others in the region. Keep up the BFRing!!

  4. Hi, Bob. I just went over to your blog and I can see we've probably been in the same place at the same time at points -- namely the 1st Annual NYC Barefoot Run.

    I read the stuff you wrote about starting again after your injury. I think you're being wise. Starting from scratch and progressing very slowly and patiently has been my modus operandi and so far it's been working out well.

  5. Still quite colorful in NYC, I see. It is so cool you take time to notice things on your runs.
