Monday, January 30, 2012

Beginning Again

Hi there, everyone.

Here I am standing at the threshold of a new beginning.

I have been invited to round 2 of black sash training in Kung Fu.  This time working towards a progress stripe on my belt.  This is an intense, like last year, 6-month training event that ends in a big test and a graduation.  I wrote about my last year's first experience with it here.

This year I'm in big trouble.  I let myself lose a lot of my conditioning -- actually most of it.  Same with my running.  I've put on a lot of extra pounds and I can really feel those extra pounds in everything I do.

So today is day one of enacting the plan to do two things -- get through this black sash training, and run a 5K on Mother's Day with my friend and her daughter.

Today is going to be a running day, but since I haven't gone out there since the 2012 Disney Family Fiesta 5K (which I shall write about later), I am going to just get out there and walk this first day.

I'll walk, and test out a little running, maybe a minute here and a minute there..

It's cold and I have a pair of Merrell pace gloves.  It's not THAT cold, and last year I would have gone out with bare feet, but just to get me out there, I'm going to use the pace gloves.  I don't like it, but I think it would be best because if I'm more walking than running it is colder and my feet are more in contact with the cold ground.  When I'm totally running there is less ground time and they are less cold.

I'll let you know how it goes.

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